Bloom Your Garden with These 5 Best Plants for Autumn

These Autumn plants will make your garden look fresher than ever!

Spring and Summer tend to be the seasons that are closely associated with gardening. However British households are still able to enjoy thriving backyards throughout Autumn. And actually well into winter too if the right plants are chosen.

There are some tough little plants and shrubs that can survive the changing weather. Braving the cold and wind to bring a splash of colour and brighten breezy autumnal days.

Choosing the right plants, and autumn gardens can be a spectacular sight. From delicate pansies to bold and low-growing heather, these are the plants you should opt for to help keep your garden looking fresh and inviting as the temperatures drops.

Seven Best Autumn Plants

Bloom Your Garden with These 5 Best Plans for Autumn

1. Crocus

The autumn weather forces crocus blooms out through the fallen leaves among the lawn and their upright, cup-shaped flowers look great in pots and borders. Still, occasionally they can be spoiled by the autumn weather. So plant them beneath trees and shrubs where they will be protected from heavy rains.

Bloom Your Garden with These 5 Best Plans for Autumn

2. Heather

With pink, white or purple petals, heather is a brilliant plant for low-growing texture and it looks great in pots too. They handle bad weather particularly well and have a long flowering season, from November to March.

Bloom Your Garden with These 5 Best Plans for Autumn

3. Dahlia

The striking blooms of these plants start to open in summer, but are at their best from August to September, bridging gaps in borders as other perennials begin to tire. Dahlias are best for working in borders and as they come in a range of sizes and exotic colours, they’ll work with almost any colour theme.

Bloom Your Garden with These 5 Best Plans for Autumn

4. Winter Aconites

These cheery plants look a lot like buttercups with their lovely yellow flowers. They are suited to growing underneath deciduous trees and shrubs. They prefer rich, moist soil in shady parts of gardens.

Bloom Your Garden with These 5 Best Plans for Autumn

5. Cyclamen

Cyclamen are well-loved heroes that can be brought to flower from autumn all the way through to spring. The flowers come in red, pink and white shades and look fantastic in pots or planted under trees, but cyclamen hederifolium is the usual choice for autumn flowers. Its silvery, marbled leaves follow the sugar pink and white blooms, remaining unscathed through winter weather before dying back for a dormant summer.

Bloom Your Garden with These 5 Best Plans for Autumn

6. Pansies

Pansies are a gardener’s staple all year round. Many varieties stop blooming when it gets really cold. But then you can opt for special winter-flowering pansies which will keep going until late spring. These are ideal for filling pots and window boxes for a flash of colour to be seen from indoors.

Bloom Your Garden with These 5 Best Plans for Autumn

7. Aster ‘Little Carlow’

Sprays of small lavender-blue daisies throb in late summer and autumn, particularly in the evening light. They like lots of suns and good, well-drained soil.