Bonfire Night: A Guide to Safety

Bonfire Night is a fun-filled night of the year where the whole family comes together to enjoy the fireworks. But, it’s important that you celebrate safely! 

Ensure you are prepared for this year’s event with our guide to safety. It tells you everything you need to know about keeping your pets safe, lighting fireworks, choosing the right fireworks for your garden and finding the best displays in your area! 


When is Bonfire Night 2017?

Bonfire Night is celebrated annually on November 5th, however, depending on when it falls in the week, fireworks will be let off a few days before or after the date itself.

How did it start?

Originally known as Guy Fawkes Night, the event is held as a commemoration each year because of Guy Fawkes who was arrested on 5th November 1605, while guarding explosives bomb plotters had placed beneath the House of Lords.

People went on to light bonfires around London as a celebration that King James I had survived the plot. Months later, the Observance of 5th November Act enforced a public day of celebration for the plot’s failure.

Bonfire Safety for Children 

Fireworks can be extremely dangerous if not treated properly and children should always be supervised by adults on Bonfire Night. Start by making sure everyone is stood well back when fireworks are about to be lit. Mark out a safe area with a rope so that children know where to stand and not to cross the line as it is dangerous.

  • Keep warm: November is a cold time of year and it’s important that you wrap up warm. Children should wear thick socks, a hat, coat and gloves!
  • Protect small ears: Babies and toddlers should wear earmuffs to protect their ears from loud noises which can be scary.
  • Sparklers should be held at an arm’s length: to prevent them getting burnt, children should wear gloves and keep sparklers at an arm’s length. Glow sticks offer a fun and safer alternative to sparklers.

Take a look at our firework safety poster for important bonfire safety guidelines!