Nine Things a Practical Parent Needs to Be Told

Whenever the wife and I talk about having children, I always have mixed emotions.

It would be like having a person and taking care of them all their life. That’s easy enough to say in a sentence, but it is entirely different when it is set in reality.

Many people say that parenthood is amazing and that it is very fulfilling.  But what do we need to know?

Well, here are nine things that a parent needs to know.



  1. Relax

Probably the most important of all, some people just make parenthood sound like an absolute chaos. With all the things that need to be done in the day, it seems to overwhelm even the most optimistic of all people.

What we should do is to relax and take it all in. If you have a child, then you have a child. Go back to the basic that your kid will grow one day at a time. Sure, they may say that one day you will just blink, and reality will hit you, and your child is already grown up. I’m pretty sure that life is not like those cut scene scenario from movies where there’s a visible timelapse. Life is in steps so make sure always to relax and stay in touch with reality.

You can do it. Face every day like a soldier who is ready and headstrong. Anyway, it might seem like you are in a war when you’re raising kids, but the truth is, you are training them to be part of your army.



  1. 3Take care of yourself first before your kid.

Not many think this way. It is usually understood the other way around. But the truth is, if you are keen on taking care of other people, you must take care of yourself first. If you neglect your health, chances are you and your children will suffer. Not only physically, but you will also find that your finances and emotion as well will lack the spruce of vitality that it needs to get through the day without feeling less than how one should.



  1. Let the baby cry.

Babies cry. They cry a lot. But not every baby does that. Since babies are yet to understand the issues of our society and have yet to take part in any awe-inspiring activities, the main reason we know why babies are crying is because they feel uncomfortable. And by that, we mean that baby needs are simple. He/she is either:

  • Hungry
  • Too cold or too hot
  • Dirty diaper
  • Needs sleep

If you need more help, has a list of suggestions why a baby is crying and how you can soothe them.




  1. Parenting is hard, but it is doable.

Let’s face it. It’s hard. But if you look at yourself, someone did it and accomplished it. So, it may be hard, but the results speak for themselves.

So don’t let the fear take the better of you. Your parents are as scared as you were when you were born to them. It might be a good idea if you ask around the best parents you know for some tips.



  1. Plan to connect with your kids.

Start early on. Dream of the things that you and your kid will do when he or she is capable of responding to you.

Some parents are afraid that their children may not like them, or they will not like their kids. But come to think about it, kids will take on their parents. And that goes to show that you can give them the part of you that you like then you will instantly like them, and they will like you too.

It is also important that you remember that the baby and children you are raising are people who are a part of your life. Make sure that you enjoy your life with them and they will enjoy life with you also.



  1. Talk to your partner about everything.

When I say everything, I mean everything. Even your weaknesses. You have to be transparent in all things so that you can know what the other is thinking. Sometimes you need to tell them even the embarrassing of things. That should be okay. Both of you should be able to stand up for one another.

It takes a team to make a relationship and parenthood work. The good thing about this is that if you and your partner show that you deal with one another as humanely as possible, then your children will get that and will themselves treat others as such.



  1. Play.

Kids will play, and they will play with everything. One thing that you can do is to enjoy the things that they are playing.

They will also develop a keen interest in something sooner or later.

So do a lot of research on the things that your kid shows interest in and then bank on it. Researching will help you understand better and can even help you enjoy the activity you are doing with your kid. Listen to what interests them and bank on that. Capitalize on that and you will see that your child will appreciate what you are doing.

Don’t pressure your kids to do something they repeatedly complain about. Ask them what they feel about things and then assess from there what needs to be done.



  1. Don’t compare yourself to other parents.

This is a huge mistake that every parent should avoid. Put the phone down and don’t think that because you do not post as much as those parents on Instagram or Facebook, you’re not as good as they are. Theodore Roosevelt said “Comparison is the thief of joy.” Stop comparing yourself to others.

You have to focus on one thing: do your best as a parent. What you and your kid are doing not look Instagram-worthy or worth a like in Facebook, it is still a milestone in your life. That is more important. What you share with your family has more weight than anything in the world.



  1. Be realistic.

This should be the mantra of every practical parent. Let us be realistic. If you want to do something, but you cannot, wait it out and just enjoy the moment that you and your family is doing. The best thing in this life is that we always have a new experience and as human beings, we never stop learning. So, don’t stop learning and have fun doing things.


Tell your kid, and yourself that everything is going to be fine if you work it out together. Your child is an individual. Accept them for who they are because they will be the best of who they are. They will have flaws, just like you. If you accepted your flaws, you could accept theirs too.


Parenthood may come with all sorts of highs and lows. You can always listen to many things said here and there. But the best ones to listen to is the family you are building. Listen to your partner and your kids.

There is nothing better than good ol’ teamwork to make parenthood and family time a pleasurable experience every time.